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A look into 2023, reflecting Gestamp's ESG commitment

Gestamp manufactures sustainability from within.


In 2023, Gestamp presented its ESG plan until 2025. A commitment to work across the organization. A commitment upon which the Gestamp Annual Report is based.

2023 stands as the turning point, the moment when things were laid out clearly, from which the path is defined to materialize the strategic commitment that Gestamp has had since its beginnings to sustainability.

From the core...
Now, two years ahead to continue working for and towards a better mobility, based on decarbonization through the design, development, and manufacture of more sustainable products, technologies, and industrial operations, in enhancing circularity - through agreements with suppliers and the development of new materials -, on responsibly protecting and managing natural resources, on training the best talent and caring for people - who are the engine of Gestamp - and their communities by generating value as a company. All without forgetting that this sustainability commitment also extends to the entire supply chain, starting with alliances with suppliers for the integration of ESG criteria that reinforce an ecosystem of added value, and that would make no sense without transparency, business ethics, and good governance.

To the form...
But Gestamp's ESG commitment is not only in substance but also in form. The 2023 Gestamp Annual Report collects and presents the non-financial information of the multinational aimed at complying with the new European regulation that replaces Directive 2014/95/EU, the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), and that will govern from next year the presentation of sustainability information of companies like Gestamp.

The company goes one step beyond the requirement it has as a listed company and clearly and transparently values both financial and sustainability information, information that helps the decision-making of Gestamp's key stakeholders. Because it's not only important what Gestamp does but how it does it, how it designs, innovates, develops, and manufactures. The answer is clear: it manufactures sustainability from within.
